Fare Essozimna Togolese President appreciates Eko Atlantic City

The President of Togo, Faure Essozimna Gnassingbe, has lauded Eko Atlantic City on its system received to give a lasting answer for waterfront disintegration.

Gnassingbe who gives careful consideration to the issues of battle against an unnatural weather change and assurance against beach front debasement in Africa gave the honor amid a voyage through the new city, driven by the Chairman of South Energyx Nigeria Limited, Mr. Ronald Chagoury.

Remarking on the Eko Atlantic task , Gnassingbe stated, "Similar to Victoria Island, coastline networks along Togo's drift and in numerous African nations have seemingly perpetual with the results of disintegration from the Atlantic Ocean. Be that as it may, with manageable arrangements and creative organization with private part we can handle seaside disintegration and finish this ecological issue."

Waterfront disintegration, a threat experienced all through West Africa, including Nigeria and Togo, has been an on-going issue for a long time affecting the lives of a large number of African.

Estimably, Eko Atlantic City has ended up being an economical answer for this risk with the development of an extraordinary ocean revetment known as the 'Incomparable Wall of Lagos'.

Talking amid the visit, the Chairman of South Energyx Nigeria Limited, the city organizers and engineers of Eko Atlantic City, Mr. Ronald Chagoury expressed, "Eko Atlantic City came up as an answer for location the disintegration that was quick devastating the shore of Victoria Island and its environs.

We perceived that a pressing advance must be taken to ensure the shoreline of Victoria Island and recover the land that had been lost.

''Accordingly, the Eko Atlantic City venture came up as a perpetual answer for the beach front disintegration of Victoria Island and parts of Lekki and we have guaranteed this through the development of the 'Incomparable Wall of Lagos,'' he included.
