The needs for nuclear-to-generate-electricity in Nigeria-collyer

“The second project is a nuclear power plant. We still have to decide the capacity of the nuclear 
power plant. The Nigerian government has to communicate to us on their expectations.” As regards funding, Collyer explained that Rosatom, which has been in the nuclear energy enterprise for 70 years, will get the attention of financial institutions in the world. He said: “Rosatom is a vertically integrated enterprise, integrated from the value chain of nuclear industry, from mining uranium to processing it to enriching it to producing fuel. All these value chain steps are handled by our company, which enables us to attract financing of nuclear power plant from financial institutions. We are not sticking to one model. We are able to approach financing in a very flexible manner. “We are a solution providing company. We are the first company to construct a nuclear power plant in Africa, we also have state of the art technology. Besides nuclear, Rosatom has non nuclear energy centres. We are also into renewable energy.  We operate in more than 40 countries. We are also into hydro electricity, off grid and micro-grid solutions.”
