India's Hockey World Cup battle closes with annihilation to Netherlands

A standout amongst the most vital matches in Indian hockey's ongoing history started with an intrigue from a cricketer. Virender Sehwag, the main visitor for the night, educated the group to sing the national song of devotion so energetically that it would persuade the Indians as well as scare the Dutch.


In spite of Sehwag's allure, the voice of 15,000-odd fans suffocated in the cheers of 22 Dutch supporters who were tucked in one corner of the arena, behind a goalpost. India, subsequent to leading the pack (Akashdeep Singh, 12') and regardless of doling out one of their best guarded presentations, lost 2-1. The match joins a developing rundown of Indian exhibitions where the group plays well just to wind up losing; an account of same missteps pursued by the commonplace outcome — a devastating thrashing.

The key distinction this time is that it doesn't feel like they passed up a chance. Obviously, it very well may be contended this was their most obvious opportunity to end the 43-year sit tight for an elimination round appearance, considering they were playing at home. They influenced the world to trust that Netherlands was conquerable however a legitimate appraisal of the squad demonstrates that a quarterfinal appearance was the group's genuine potential.

It's not to state India were outmaneuvered. A long way from it, truth be told. They can be pleased with being focused for the whole a hour of that diversion that is being named as a standout amongst the most important quarterfinals of this World Cup. The pressure and strategic fight making this an engaging precipice holder.
