12 Lies Cheaters always Tell

Never underestimate a cheater’s ability to weasel their way out of a compromising situation.
Never underestimate a cheater’s ability to weasel their way out of a compromising situation. Whenever you get cheated on, you can expect a lot of excuses and alibis to be thrown your way. Your partner will refuse to take responsibility for infidelity, and you will be left with a choice to make regarding your relationship.
Regardless of how you want to move on from a situation of infidelity, you always have to be aware if your partner is lying to you. Dishonesty is just adding fuel to the fire of infidelity, and you must address these issues head on. Be wary of the most common lies that cheaters will tell after their cases of infidelity.

1. I’ll never do it again!

Of course he will. Once a cheater, always a cheater. But it’s really up to you whether you’ll be willing to tolerate his constant infidelity. If he was willing to cheat on you once, what makes you think he won’t be willing to do it again? Even if he believes that he won’t be willing to cheat on you again, he would be lying to himself too.

2. You’re acting crazy!

No you’re not. You’re acting just perfectly normal. It’s okay to freak out on your cheating boyfriend. He deserves whatever wrath you’re ready to unleash on him. He knows you’re not acting crazy and he’s merely trying to diffuse the situation by deflecting his faults unto you.

3. I promise I’ll change.

4. They never apologize or recognize any wrongdoing they might have committed.

They always see themselves as perfect beings. They don’t think that they are capable of doing any wrong in the world. They always think that they are special people who are above apologies. They see that everything that they do is right. Or even when they know they’re wrong, their pride doesn’t allow them to apologize for it.

5. They conceal the truth and their motivations when it’s convenient.

Not only are they fond of lying, but they are also fond of concealing the truth. They will say one thing even when their heart feels something else. They know that they have the upper hand whenever they don’t show all of their cards.

6. They never respect anyone’s time other than their own.

They willingly make other people wait but they never wait for other people. When it comes to time, they are always so selfish. They always want everyone else to adjust to their own personal schedules. They think that their time matters more than those of others. They see themselves as superior beings who get monopolies on how time should be spent.

Updatecrew Media.
